Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Computer Basics Final Project

CorelDRAW 12.

Showcasing functions.

Fully vectored Mickey Mouse. @ii@


Photoshop 7.0. This was... easy. But, it would have been similarly hard had I not been familiar with the functions, just cos the lessons were in Chinese. XD;

We had to recreate a painting by use of PS brushes and textures.

Adding color to a b/w image -- I took shortcuts with this one. ^___^;

Photomanipulation. I didn't really try that hard... Plagiarized a Disney song while at it.


Raein said...

How's the grades? :o

I love the Mickey Mouse one ish. Disneyland theme ish?

mushroomtale said...

Haha, you know I'm a Disney girl. <3

Di pa alam ung grades. I'll blog about it, so I'm sure you'll know when they come out. ; ) (I just hope they turn out to be worth blogging about.)