Friday, March 13, 2009

Christmas Dinners + School Fair '09.

This is a really, really outdated post, but for the sake of sobriety... ; )

From last year's Christmas dinner for international students...

... and, dinner again, with classmates. Of course, the latter was a lot more fun. I love my class!

We get these quite often here. And, I get the urge to take photos every time.

Taken of the school fair earlier this year. For the record, I didn't take photos of everything... =v=|||

Illustration and Manga...

Product design, I believe...


Urr... miscellaneous! *shot shot shot*

Animation. 8 ) Can't see them clearly but this was how they were exhibited.

Character design...

More photography...

You guys can figure the rest out on your own!

Oh, one last mention, this was the booth of Dongmanyou, our school's animangaming magazine... that I'm now the vice president of. *A*///

Studying for our anatomy exams! Waaah!

See you guys at the next post! *O*///


goooooood girl said...

your blog is very fine......

Anonymous said...

That's a lot to catch up on! The dinner sounded great. VP now! Wow--so you have some control over what goes into the magazine??


kurohiko said...

Wow, VP! *hearts* congrats, and I'm so glad to hear from you after such a long time. :3

..I want to go back to school again. Art school. I feel like I should be learning more. ;.;

mushroomtale said...

@ Ms. T: God, there's a lot more! I haven't had the chance to post in a looong while, thanks to homework... TTATT

Yes, I do! But, now, I'm also more hesitant about smuggling BL, LOL.

@ Rei-nee: They just pumped me up there, I think it's cos of my drive? But, lately, I've been too busy with homework...

BTW, as for Karma, it won't be published until after a few more issues, since we're still about to introduce a foreign section... (So predictable, me.) I hope you don't mind? TTATT;;; *clings*

Wheee~~~ Come here!!! *D*

kurohiko said...

Lol, I'm already doing my papers for Canada, I don't think I can go there... :( *hates being flat broke*

Oh~~ That's totally fine. *3* I was wondering if you guys will be accepting doujins? Non-hentai ones of course. That's my next project after A.illusions Act 2.

Btw, A.illusions _BL_ GET! xDDD *kills herself*

Tiffy said...

Saan na picture niya? Saan naaaaaaaa??? D:

kurohiko said...

Ooooh yeah, pics plx. :D